Archive for the Kali Yuga Category

Spiritual Reality Power Of Meditation – In5d

Posted in 11:11, 2012, Affirmations, Art, books, Chakra, DNA, eleven, Energy, gaia, Healing, hollow earth, hope, Kali Yuga, kundalini, Meditations, Metatron, Mother, Powerful with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on March 20, 2012 by prodigychild1111

This must see video shows you how to channel cosmic energy into your daily meditation, etheric cleansing, pyramid power, transcending your body’s consciousness, activation of your 3rd eye and much more!

Thanks In5d!!

Earthlings Documentary “A must see for anyone who cares enough to know.” — Woody Harrelson

Posted in 11:11, 2012, Adama, Affirmations, Art, books, Chakra, DNA, eleven, Energy, gaia, Healing, hollow earth, hope, Kali Yuga, kundalini, Meditations, Metatron, Mother, Powerful, Powerful Affirmations! Chakra Healing Meditations Prodigy Child Mother gaia REMEMBER WHO WE ARE Adama telos Jesus the Christ Energy Archangel Metatron Mary Magdalen Michael DNA evolution 12 strands tr, Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , on March 16, 2012 by prodigychild1111

“A must see for anyone who cares enough to know.” — Woody Harrelson

Direct Download – Everything you need to know about ascension & 2012

Posted in 11:11, 2012, Chakra, DNA, Energy, gaia, Healing, hope, Kali Yuga, kundalini, Meditations, Mother, Powerful Affirmations! Chakra Healing Meditations Prodigy Child Mother gaia REMEMBER WHO WE ARE Adama telos Jesus the Christ Energy Archangel Metatron Mary Magdalen Michael DNA evolution 12 strands tr, Religion, Starseeds and Indigos, triggering, Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on February 18, 2012 by prodigychild1111

From Master Tony’s Site

Hi All,

The Ascension Study Guide (ASG) will teach you everything you need to know about ascension. More importantly, the document will help you understand the mechanics of planetary ascension, the multidimensional universe, the planetary shift in 2012, the personal ascension process, Law of One, unity consciousness, and how your life will be completely different on new Earth.

The ascension study guide also contains a “Personal Ascension Program” for both adults and children.

Please feel free to host the ASG on your own website and/or email the ASG to friends & family.

Direct Download:

Ascension Study Guide

Alternative Download Links:




Can You Believe? Higher State of Consciousness!! #MustRead

Posted in 11:11, 2012, Adama, Affirmations, Art, books, Chakra, DNA, eleven, Energy, gaia, Healing, hollow earth, hope, Kali Yuga, kundalini, Meditations, Metatron, Mother, Powerful, Powerful Affirmations! Chakra Healing Meditations Prodigy Child Mother gaia REMEMBER WHO WE ARE Adama telos Jesus the Christ Energy Archangel Metatron Mary Magdalen Michael DNA evolution 12 strands tr with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on November 3, 2011 by prodigychild1111

By: Josephe Buchanan

Excerpt from Upcoming book

Is it possible that you can believe?
Believe in the impossible?
Believe in the possibility?
Believe on high frequencies?

Believe in the Eve of a new Earth?
Rely in a reality where truth lurks?
Can you die with that responsibility?
Then resurrect and rise to new opportunities?

Is it so hard to see our inner God?
Is it hard to look deep into the iris?
Can you see the stars?
Is it possible that at one time our ancestors occupied?

Mars ,space cars, space stations with no race card?
Christ son of life, no hatred besides Sa- tan?
Divine nations fell outside of benign patience.
The weakness of the flesh only left, a stench entrenched
in death.

What was left was energy vampires,
who survived off of our fear, weakness and
They try to take what was left.
The sacred heart of our Aum, Chi,
Prana, Aura, Star fire from Virgin Daughters, Magic, Spirit, Soul, Chakras, Energy, Remedies, Interstellar Mantras, Legends, Light, Records of Akashic,  Luminaries, Optics, Brain power, Sane power, Rain Power and Ancient sight?

Is it hard to believe that we travel through the universe at night?
Is it hard to fathom that you exist as multiples points of light?
Is it hard to break the generational curse of negative soul-ties?
Broken divine rights?

Is it possible to believe that
dreams are part of your multi-dimensions?

Is it hard to open your heart to new vibrations?
The vibration of  your true sight?
The vibration of your true self?
The vibration of your new life?

Is it possible that you can believe?
Believe in the impossible?
Believe in the possibility?
Believe on high frequencies?

“I believe in you,
can you believe in HU?”

93 Amazing Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev quotes

Posted in 11:11, 2012, Chakra, DNA, eleven, gaia, hollow earth, hope, Kali Yuga, kundalini with tags , , , , , , , , , , on September 23, 2011 by prodigychild1111

1) Life is far beyond meaning, Life is beyond meaning and that’s why it is so beautiful

2) When you wanting to know some thing is so Intense that you are willing to die for it, then knowing is not far away.

3)If you are rooted in reality there will be no fear.

4)Intelligence is like a flashlight. If you flash it, it’ll just show you what’s in front. Knowledge is like a projector; if you switch it on, it projects its own story. Now, if you came with a flashlight and you flash it on these paintings here, you will see the paintings just the way they are. If you came with the projector, which also has light in it, and you turned it on; you don’t see the paintings. You will see something else, maybe Jackie Chan fighting. That’s the difference between knowledge and intelligence.

5)Religions of the world are not bout one man’s belief against another, but an opportunity for all humans to each to their common ultimate source.

6)The fear is simply because you are not living with life, You are living in your mind.

7)Whatever is your highest, you just contemplate upon that. Your inner and outer purity will happen naturally.

8)Being with a Master is never comfortable, because He will break all your limitations, all your ideologies.

9)Man needs  entertainment simply to hide his madness. If he was perfectly sane, he would not need entertainment. He could  just sit  and watch this bamboo grow. He does not really need entertainment

10)Till something becomes a reality in our life, if we talk about it, it amounts to lying. The whole world is lying to themselves and to everybody about God.

11)People have come to the conclusion that body means pain. And yet, just the right food, practices and a little change in attitude, and this body becomes a miracle.

12)Once the stillness comes into your life, then the mind also becomes absolutely still. When your mind becomes still, your intelligence explodes.

13)You can be deeply involved with everything, but still not be identified with it any more.

14)When your happiness is dependant upon what is happening outside of you, constantly you live as a slave to the external situation.

15)If you are truly a seeker of Truth, Truth can not hide from you. It is in the Lap of truth that you have happened. Most people who claim to be seekers are only seeking security, solace, or the fulfillment of their desires.

16)The moment you make a conclusion, as to what should be at the other end, you are no more a seeker you are a vested interest.

17)Do not try to live by morals, ethics, slogans. These are all very poor substitutes for awareness. Be couscious and aware, you will see life the way it is.

18) You’re just an imitation of what is around you, it’s just that you don’t imitate one person; you take bits and pieces of hundred people and make yourself.

19)Being with a Master is never comfortable, because He will break all your limitations, all your ideologies.

20)If you can joyfully accept the consequence, do what you want; if it is that you will cry when the consequence comes, better be conscious about what you do.

21)Just Desire the Hightest in Life. All Your Passions, direct them to the Highest. Even if you get Angry, direct it only towards Shiva. Even with your Passion, that’s the way to do it. Every bit of energy that you have, you expend it by making it into desire, passion, fear, anger, and many other things. May be these emotions are not in your hands for now, but channeling them in one direction is in your hands.

22)May be when you are angry then you cannot be loving, you cant suddenly turn your anger into love, but the anger itself can be directed.

23)A humanity which has done nothing for its inner well being – how can it create external well being? How do you expect it to work?

24)Whenever you are happy, the real source of happiness is within you. It bubbles up. It is just that you are looking for an external stimulus to make you happy.

25)A genuine seeker, a person who develops an urge within, will always find his Guru. He may find it in a man, in a woman, or he may find it even in a rock. He will definitely find it somewhere, there is no doubt about it.

26)If a man is intelligent everything that happens is an opportunity; if a man is stupid everything that happens is a disaster.

27)The guru is someone who continuously punctures your ego, yet is your friend.

28)If you really want better situations to live in for yourself and everybody, you must stop playing petty politics within yourself and around yourself.

29)Only when you truly start seeking what is beyond the physical body, the spiritual processes open up for you.

30)Positive thinking is about trying to escape reality. It’s about wanting to look at one side of life, and missing out on another. You may ignore the other, but the other will not ignore you. Right now, you can choose to ignore a black cloud in the sky, but it’s not going to ignore you.

31)When any being calls or really yearns, the existence answers. If the thirst within you is strong enough, God always answers.

32)Higher dimensions of Awareness means Higher dimensions of energy.

33)When you just look at the long term span of this creation, you are just a tiny happening. But you think too much of yourself, that is the biggest problem.

34)If you want to know the joy of activity, first and foremost thing is that you must know how to give yourself to activity with total abandon.

35)The world is trying to do so many things. We’re trying to go to the moon, to Mars, but, fundamentally, I feel the most important thing is human consciousness, the quality of life here. How happy we are here simply depends on how we are within ourselves.

36)Fundamentally, the only thing you can give is yourself.

37)Blissfulness is not a rare visitor in your life, blissfulness is your constant companion, because that is the nature of your being.

38)Spirituality is about acting out of your inner humanity, if you go deeper, you’ll be acting out of inner divinity.

39)As many colors of the rainbow are an outcome of one pure light, many religions of the world are an expression of the same divine source.

40)The word ‘guru’ means dispeller of darkness.

41)What you know as the highest, you just seek that. It doesn’t matter whether it is going to happen or not going to happen, simply living with the vision itself is very elevating, is itself very liberating, is itself a very joyous process for any person.

42)Every human being is a unique human being.

43)When your Sadhana (Spiritual Practice) is based on hope and fear, you won’t attain to anything.

44)Do your Sadhana (Spiritual Practice) joyfully, not with the hope of making it or the fear of not making it. Just do it joyfully.

45)You are not using your intelligence to reach the peak of your consciousness, to become peaceful and loving. You are using your  intelligence to drive yourself crazy.

46)You know everything about the world, but you do not know anything about yourself. This is a ridiculous way to live.

47)Spiritual process does not mean looking up, or looking down, or looking around. It is about looking inward.

48)When it is no more about you, you can live your life and do your life in total abandon; because there is nothing to gain nothing to lose.

49)You being too involved with your mind and emotion means you are too enamored with your own creation, you have no time for the creation of the creator.

50)Because you do not know how to keep your systems in balance, because you can’t handle reality, you succumb to positive thinking. You want to skip the negative and just think positive. What you pursue will not be the strongest point in you. What you try to avoid becomes the basis of your consciousness. Positive thinking can have some psychological relevance, but no existential relevance whatsoever.

51)If you look at the organization, capability and the certainty with which a simple ant is conducting its life, you will see you are quite stupid.

52)Wanting to be special is a sickness, it is taking a huge toll on life. In trying to be special, people are doing all kinds of ridiculous things.

53)The greatest crime that you can do to humanity is to teach your children that suffering is a part of their life. You have taken away the possibility of them being joyous human beings.

54)In relinquishing the limited, the unlimited becomes yours, But the price is, what is YOU does not exist anymore.

55)When who you are and what you are is not decided by any external forces, then you are in dignity.

56)If you are not half hearted, if you are a full blooded involvement with everything that you are doing you will see every simple thing is a miracle.

57)When you become meditative, you will see, your intellectual capabilities will increase many times more than what it is right now. Not because meditation makes you intelligent, but because meditation clears up the mess, the muck that’s gathered on the glass of the flashlight. As your meditation deepens, it just clears up the muck more and more and the flashlight becomes more and more powerful. It shows you things more and more clearly.

58)Whether we are talking about Kundalini or simple plain energy as in the English language, it’s basically about raising ourselves to a higher level of energy. What you call ‘life’ itself is energy. So, if you want to function on a higher plane of life, you need a higher level, a higher quality of energy.

59)The contradiction within a human being is simply because he is trying to mentally figure out things that he has not experienced.

60)Only when people begin to thing beyond their own wellbeing, something beautiful is possible in the society.

61)Exploration is what is needed – not ideology. Ideology means you have made your summary of life. If life can be summed up, it is not worth living.

62)If you are aware that you are a nobody and you act out your role, this is enlightenment.

63)Only when you are truly happy, you can be concerned about somebody. When you are unhappy you are only concerned about yourself.

64)Once you know how to be aware, once the neccessary awareness – to be away from your own body, to be away from your own mind – has come to you, don’t even bother about your karmas. Just see how to deepen this awareness.

65)We know how to go to the moon, but the tragedy is that we still do not know how to live on planet earth.

66)By fixing the outside, life can become comfortable and convenient. But human beings will not know well being unless they fix their interiority.

67)Once you have a thinking mind, a questioning mind, or a doubting mind, you should not talk about devotion. It just leads to enormous deception.

68)Confidence can do things for you but confidence without clarity is a big disaster on the planet.

69)The sign of intelligence is that you are constantly wondering. Idiots are always dead sure about every damn thing they are doing in their life.

70)Every human being is capable of living absolutely blissfully within himself. They have denied themselves this because they never looked at themselves.

71)What you can do and what you cannot do outside is always a question of capability. But when it comes to the inside it is just a question of willingness.

72)If you can bring love into your breath, into your step, into every act that you do, not towards anybody or anything; if you can just bring the longing to merge with everything around you, then creation will lead you on to the creator.

73)The past experience of life is ruling you from within. Unless you break this karmic grip there is no such thing as freedom in thought and action.

74)Essence of spirituality is that we are constantly aware of the oneness of who we are, at the same time we celebrate the uniqueness of the individual.

75)If you are not seeing life the way it is, you can only live by accident. You are a potential calamity and fear and anxiety is very natural.

76)Anything that does not enhance the possibility of life is of no consequence to the creation, or to the creator.

77)If you really pay attention to life, life will blossom within you. If you do not pay attention, you are somewhere else, then life could go wrong.

78)If you know that you are stupid, you wont attach too much importance to your thought. You will start looking at life and your intelligence will flower.

79)You claim that you love somebody, but if they dont fulfill your needs, you wont love them. I dont call this love, I call this mutual benefit scheme.

80)Everybody is making Choices; even their compulsions are their choices. Choices made in unawareness are compulsions. Let us say you get angry right now. It is your choice, actually, to be angry. Somewhere, you believe that’s the way to handle the situation, but the choice is made in such unawareness that is is a compulsion; it’s happening compulsively on a different level. So you are living by choice, but choices are made with out awareness – unconscious choices.

81)If you cultivate your body, mind, emotion and energy in the right direction, mediation will happen. It is not something that you do, it is a quality.

82)Everyday, twice a day if you are reminded that you will also die, then naturally you will move towards knowing higher dimensions of perception.

83)If your experience of life transcends the limitations of the physical, only then we can say you are spiritual.

84)Only if one makes himself available to higher and higher possibilies, then Grace can descend and do something that you yourself could never do.

85)If you have any intention of knowing or touching the ultimate in this life, then giving yourself in parts is no good.

86)A devotee has no other goal except to dissolve into his object of devotion. But you have your own personal agenda and still you call yourself a devotee.

87)Everybody has their own understanding, ideas, opinions of the world. They know these are not worth anything, yet they are not willing to keep it down.

88)Your desires and passions are just like this. If you try and fight with them, if you chop them, they will spill blood, and with every drop, a hundred or a thousand will come up. There is no point fighting them. Just educate your passions, educate your desires to flow in the right direction, that is all. You can never fight them. Fighting them will be futile, it will be a waste of life.

89)With every single action, consciously or unconsciously, people are trying to be happy. So one way, in this level of living, in this dimension of existence, happiness is the goal of everything that man is doing. But if you look at life, we have done so much in this world for our happiness. But all we have ended up with is creating more and more comfort and convenience-but not happiness.

90)Without working on human consciousness, trying to change social or national or global realities means there is no serious intention.

91)When we say everything is maya or illusion, maya does not mean it does not exist, maya simply means that you are not seeing it the way it is.

92)If YOU are not there, enlightenment is instantaneous. If YOU are there, you have to walk till you wear out.

93)In reality there is only Now. If you know how to handle this moment you know how to handle the whole eternity.

Courtesy of:


Posted in 11:11, 2012, Affirmations, Chakra, DNA, eleven, Energy, gaia, Healing, hollow earth, hope, Kali Yuga, Meditations, Mother, Powerful, Religion, triggering with tags , , on September 20, 2011 by prodigychild1111


“Concentrating the “materials” on a single point, in order to fulfill the mission of the life form possessing its personality, a will when it concentrates on a single point with the intention to “Exist” in that particular “Dimension” starts to form a “Strong Magnetic Field” that attracts the surrounding will of love, the materials of love, and then create waves, rotating like a spiral.  In this way it allow the existence to be expressed.  The ENTIRE universe is actualized and constituted in such a way.” The POWER you Possess is the same!

– Power of Creation, AUM –

Energy thoroughly existing ALL over the entire universe is the BODY of AUM! Imagine the Waters of a Mothers Womb.  Warm and nurturing all its around.  Imagine the warmth of this Love, the warmth of all LOVE!  – This IS GOD AUM!

You must feel this!  You Must be this!  You are this!!

You ARE the child of GOD AUM!

YOU have the Power of your Father AUM!

God’s Love is the WILL of LOVE it EQUAL’s the creation of everything in this and each dimensional world – breathe life into it and let it all be the expressive form of God’s LOVE! Its expression Its Behavior that is love! Love is a behavior! Love is Expression!


God’s Love (God’s Behavior or God’s expression) = WILL of LOVE  (Will of Behavior or Will of expression)

WILL of LOVE = The creation of everything in this and each dimensional world

The creation of everything in this and each dimensional world = God’s Love


In every tiny cell and Atom is the “Divine Truth of GOD’s love” This is Bound to the “Power of Creation” you need to learn how the use of this.  This happens when you become aware of being a “Child of GOD”

Concentrating the “materials” on a single point, in order to fulfill the mission of the life form possessing its personality, a will when it concentrates on a single point with the intention to “Exist” in that particular “Dimension” starts to form a “Strong Magnetic Field” that attracts the surrounding will of love, the materials of love, and then create waves, rotating like a spiral.  In this way it allow the existence to be expressed.  The ENTIRE universe is actualized and constituted in such a way.

– The POWER of all of you Possess is the same of this!

There are materials at your command! Based on strong intentions and constant wishing think of “What your vision should be” “What it would look and feel like” in this world and this dimension.

Based on “INTENSIVE” concentration and the conviction that is truly priceless to express GOD’s LOVE and that GOD”s Expression DOES exist.  WISH THIS!  Exerting the power of yourself, ALL of your POWERS.  WE do this by getting back to the origin as CHILDREN OF GOD!

“ALL OF YOU ARE A PART OF ME” AUM UNIVERSE rather than Children of GOD because you are a VITAL PART OF GOD! You are the expression of GOD ITSELF, AUM as this collective Consciousness.  You are the Expression of GOD itself SO YOU can ENGAGE the PRINCIPLE of CREATION, Which what AUM is DOING!


You POSSESS such STRONG MENTAL WILL POWER.  (If you Use the Intellectual side you lose the ORIGINAL POWER of Yourself), So use your “WILL” which is given as the principle creation of GOD!

As an EXPRESSION OF GOD you must think as your own god and think about how you can have the VIBRATION of LOVE flowing all over this GRAND UNIVERSE! WE need the future to be granted to the PRINCIPAL CREATION OF LOVE to EARTH! We must actualize it! We must be totally Aware of this!  This what determines the FUTURE of EARTH!!

The Entire universe if filled with the principle of the creation of God and the Will of GOD’s LOVE!  The EVOLVING and DEVLOPING will of LOVE radiates the same VECTOR in the Attribute of GOD! WE NEED to Evolve and Progress!

The MISSION: We Must awake INHABITANTS CONSCIOUSNESS to their GOD CONSCIOUSNESS inside to ensure the EVOLUTION of the Planet earth and its CONSCIOUSNESS!


BEING the CHILD of GOD is the KEY!  YOU must Posses the CONSCIOUSNESS of GOD and Exhibit the POWER as an attribute of GOD! ONLY then the EARTH can enter the   next AGE and make Ascension!

AWAKEN your SPIRIT! Understand these WORDS! You will be Able to hear the VIBRATIONS, which are constantly, sent through cosmic space from GOD your Father!

In your own thought, in your sensitivity, Melt and flow your own spirit into the consciousness of the entire universe! Melt into the energy of the waters of love existing here and there in the universe.  Then you could know that you yourself are apart of an enormous consciousness called ONENESS!

Life is a GREAT SEA you are a part of the OCEAN!  WHEN you realize this you can get in your hands the PRINCIPLE of Creation as the “CHILDREN OF GOD”, Expression of GOD and ATTRIBUTE of GOD!

Perception is key! You must utilize all you are a part of! Your TOTAL SUMMATION of Existence!  Your CREATIVE force must fully utilize the principal of creation and concentration! When you over stand this You would become GOD!  You will awaken GOD’s part that is YOURS for being a part of GOD’s Expression!  Then you will see completion of the next stage with TRUE Spiritual Evolution and Development!

So Over stand The “ONES” who have or are going to be “Awakened” are going to live “ONLY” for the mission as an attribute of GOD inside of his own.   LOVE becomes the will of a driving force to live and create truly!

You can give out to the universe your Own BIG BANG using your whole “being” “body” “Self” and produce out conceivable life (thoughts, Wishes, Dreams,) you can blow life into everything & make it appear!

You are a part of the Existence called AUM! “I AM YOU and YOU ALL ARE ME” If you can perceive this there is opened an UNILMITED POWER AND UNLIMITED POSSIBILITY TO ALL!

AWAKEN TO THE FORCE! THE POWER!  You will bring Earth to the next Dimension!  If you awaken you can make this happen now!



There is a very Strong will of EARTH’S CONSCIOUSNESS to get the next stage of EVOLUTION!  We Must show Our abilities to deserve this ascension! This determines everything


Affirm THIS!

















17)                 I MUST ALWAYS REMEMBER THIS!

18)                 I MAKE THIS MY POWER!

19)                 FROM MY FATHER TO ME!

20)                 GOD SAID, “I AM YOU AND YOU ARE ME!”

21)                 AUM!

Restore, Activate, Materialize, Energize, Strengthen, Successfully, Evolve, Spirit, I SNESS, I AM, I WILL / JOURNEY, AUM, CONSCIOUSNESS, ONENESS, BALANCE

“In your own thought, in your sensitivity, Melt and flow your own spirit into the consciousness of the entire universe! Melt into the energy of the waters of love existing here and there in the universe.  Then you could know that you yourself are apart of an enormous consciousness called ONENESS!”

“Concentrating the “materials” on a single point, in order to fulfill the mission of the life form possessing its personality, a will when it concentrates on a single point with the intention to “Exist” in that particular “Dimension” starts to form a “Strong Magnetic Field” that attracts the surrounding will of love, the materials of love, and then create waves, rotating like a spiral.  In this way it allow the existence to be expressed.  The ENTIRE universe is actualized and constituted in such a way.” The POWER of all of you Possess is the same!

–  AUM

What you don’t know can hurt you: Invisible waveforms, ET and other Transmissions

Posted in 11:11, 2012, Adama, Affirmations, Art, books, Chakra, DNA, eleven, Energy, gaia, Healing, hollow earth, hope, Kali Yuga, kundalini, Meditations, Metatron, Mother, Powerful, Powerful Affirmations! Chakra Healing Meditations Prodigy Child Mother gaia REMEMBER WHO WE ARE Adama telos Jesus the Christ Energy Archangel Metatron Mary Magdalen Michael DNA evolution 12 strands tr, Religion, telos, triggering with tags , , , on September 18, 2011 by prodigychild1111

What you don’t know can hurt you: Invisible waveforms, ET and other Transmissions

Direct Link: 

There are a multitude of other dimensional worlds most of us humans remain unaware of because we are currently limited in our perceptions to the five senses. At every moment we are both surrounded by and permeated with a multitude of waveforms moving throughout this illusory holographic universe. Our five senses constantly interpret and translate only a small portion of these waveforms. We mistake the data from the five senses as the only accepted ‘real’. Thus deluded we miss most of the universe, the Invisible Realms and the Myriad Worlds.

We are nonetheless affected by these waveforms, which are beyond our perceptions. Anyone who realized this basic metaphysical truth would understand that it is possible to use various types of ‘emitters’, human or otherwise, to generate waveforms of a specific frequency. These frequencies can have a wide spectrum of effects. They can uplift, calm, heal and nourish – or they can be used to entrain human consciousness, to dominate and control the hologram and everyone who is susceptible within it.

If your own level of consciousness does not vibrate at a frequency above these emitted waveforms – not on ‘higher ground’ – then you might be confused and deluded by them. You could remain vulnerable to such manipulation if you had not yet realized the mechanics of the temporal illusory hologram – MAYA & the GUNAS. Or perhaps you are completely unconscious of the existence of the underlying waveforms that weave our universe into existence.

You would therefore be picking up these transmissions and mistaking them for ‘reality’. 

Your acceptance of various waveforms is completely up to you. So here we are in the Twilight of the Kali Yuga, hidden in our data-collecting vehicles (human bodies), trying to Remember who we are – lost in the miasma of amnesia generated by the emitters of MAYA.

Enslaved couch potatoes are evidence that TV is one such emitter. Or the emitters of frequency that effect human consciousness could be even more bewilderingly sinister – radio & microwave towers, HAARP, perhaps large scale emitters from off-planet. Or is the current consciousness on the planet coming from something more hidden and occult — something that gets its power from ritual, from ‘sacrifice’, from pain, fear and war.

Even though most of us are unaware of the Invisible Realms and the hierarchies of beings that exist and have always existed all around us, there are many, many entities transmitting all kinds of information. From angels to ETs we are faced with a plethora of sources often fascinating and revealing, while other transmissions are just plain perilous to your soul.

ET transmissions often contain a plethora of potential confusion – and may even have dangerous consequences. Such material can be misunderstood and used for the most obliquely tyrannical purposes.

On sober and mindful consideration, it becomes evident that the various ETs, who are currently interacting with third dimensional planet Earth, will of necessity only have access to and memory of those ‘fields of consciousness’ they themselves possess.

If they themselves are not living within a waveform of enlightenment, they consequently will have NO knowledge of a higher consciousness of ONENESS and will behave accordingly from their own perspective and with their own agenda. Like any being in any dimensional realm, the ETs will behave according to the level of their understanding of universal metaphysical Truth.

Just because some of these ET possess what appears to be advanced technology to us humans, does NOT mean that these beings are evolved – nor does it mean that they have our Earth-based interest at heart. It could be more a case of the soldiers who offered the Native American Indians horses and bourbon for their land. We all know the end of that story – genocide!

In this Cycle of Time, the Law of Dharma has all but disappeared from the earth plane. This is the time of the false prophet as people become more fearful, more desperate, and easy pickings!

Whatever these ETs or ‘angels’ or whatever transmit into our human awareness will only be a reflection of their own limitations relative to the precise vibratory frequency of their own consciousness and dimensional LOKA world. They are part of the external and temporal illusory hologram.

Trust only the God-within you, the SELF, your ATMA.


KYMATICA – FULL LENGTH MOVIE – Expand Your Consciousness!!! #Must #Watch ASAP!

Posted in 11:11, 2012, Adama, Affirmations, Art, books, Chakra, DNA, eleven, Energy, gaia, Healing, hollow earth, hope, Kali Yuga, kundalini, Meditations, Metatron, Mother, Powerful, Powerful Affirmations! Chakra Healing Meditations Prodigy Child Mother gaia REMEMBER WHO WE ARE Adama telos Jesus the Christ Energy Archangel Metatron Mary Magdalen Michael DNA evolution 12 strands tr, Religion, telos, triggering, Uncategorized with tags , , , , , on September 10, 2011 by prodigychild1111

Kymatica focuses on human and universal consciousness and goes deeper into the metaphysical aspects of reality.


Change the World!! Decide Whether Extraterrestrials should Show Up! (READ CAREFULLY) Great Article! Poll Inside!

Posted in 11:11, 2012, DNA, Energy, Kali Yuga, Meditations, Powerful, triggering with tags , , , , , , , on August 27, 2011 by prodigychild1111

Change the World
by Lever Effect!
Decide Whether We Should Show Up!
by a Hierarchy of Benevolent Extraterrestrials

Author’s self presentation: “I have seen UFOs for several years and I’ve had contacts with some ET beings. I am 42, with both a technical education (military jet pilot and air traffic controller), economic (masters) and management (airport manager). From the age of six, I’ve had various spiritual type experiences that are continually taking on more shape and meaning.
Among the many types of phenomena that have manifested during the last two years, for example when I received a message on the tri-dimensional nature of time (see, while a UFO was hanging over my house and had ‘announced’ its presence by a terrific noise, and then when an enormous triangular craft flew over my house when I was in the process of moving, followed by an aerial battle of lights lasting 25 minutes, and also multiple apparitions of celestial lights and ethereal creatures in my house, and finally, after having learned how to mentally project myself to a place in the presence of benevolent extraterrestrials, I received the following message on behalf of their hierarchy. Jean Ederman.”


Whoever transmitted this translated message to you is irrelevant, and should remain anonymous in your mind. It is what you will do with this message which matters !

Each one of you wishes to exercise her/his free will and experience happiness.

These are attributes that were shown to us and to which we now have access. Your free will depends upon the knowledge you have of your own power. Your happiness depends upon the love that you give and receive.

Like all conscious races at this stage of progress, you may feel isolated on your planet. This impression makes you sure of your destiny. Yet, you are at the brink of big upheavals that only a minority is aware of.

It is not our responsibility to modify your future without you choosing it. Consider this message as a worldwide referendum! And your answer as a ballot!

Who are we ?

Neither your scientists nor your religious representatives speak unanimously about the unexplained celestial events that mankind has witnessed for thousands of years. To know the truth, one must face it without the filter of one’s beliefs, however respectable they may be.

A growing number of anonymous researchers of yours are exploring new knowledge paths and are getting very close to reality. Today, your civilization is flooded with an ocean of information of which only a tiny part, the less upsetting one, is notably diffused.

What in your history seemed ridiculous or improbable has often become possible, then realized, in particular in the last fifty years. Be aware that the future will be even more surprising. You will discover the worst as well as the best.

Like billions others in this galaxy, we are conscious creatures that some name “extra-terrestrials”, even though reality is subtler.

There is no fundamental difference between you and us, save for the experience of certain stages of evolution. Like in any other organized structure, hierarchy exists in our internal relationships. Ours is based upon the wisdom of several races. It is with the approval of this hierarchy that we turn to you.

Like most of you, we are in the quest of the Supreme Being. Therefore we are not gods or lesser gods but virtually your equals in the Cosmic Brotherhood.

Physically, we are somewhat different from you but for most of us humanoid-shaped.

Our existence is a reality but the majority of you does not perceive it yet. We are not mere observations, we are consciences just like you. You fail to apprehend us because we remain invisible to your senses and measure instruments most of the time.

We wish to fill this void at this moment in your history. We made this collective decision but this is not enough. We need yours. Through this message, you become the decision-makers ! You personally.

We have no human representative on Earth who could guide your decision.

Why aren’t we visible ?

At certain stages of evolution, cosmic “humanities” discover new forms of science beyond the apparent control of matter. Structured dematerialization and materialization are part of them. This is what your humanity has reached in a few laboratories, in close collaboration with other “extra-terrestrial” creatures at the cost of hazardous compromises that remain purposely hidden from you by some of your representatives.

Apart from the aerial or spatial objects or phenomena known about by your scientific community, that you call ‘UFOs, there are essentially multidimensional manufactured spaceships that apply these capacities.

Many human beings have been in visual, auditory, tactile or psychic contact with such ships, some of which are under occult powers that “govern” you. The scarcity of your observations is due to the outstanding advantages provided by the dematerialized state of these ships.

By not witnessing them by yourself, you cannot believe in their existence. We fully understand this.

The majority of these observations are made on an individual basis so as to touch the soul and not to modify any organized system. This is deliberate from the races that surround you but for very different reasons and results.

For negative multidimensional beings that play a part in the exercise of power in the shadow of human oligarchy, discretion is motivated by their will to keep their existence and seizure unknown.

For us, discretion is motivated by the respect of the human free will that people can exercise to manage their own affairs so that they can reach technical and spiritual maturity on their own. Humankind’s entrance into the family of galactic civilizations is greatly expected.

We can appear in broad daylight and help you attain this union. We haven’t done it so far, as too few of you have genuinely desired it, because of ignorance, indifference or fear, and because the emergency of the situation did not justify it. Many of those who study our appearances count the lights in the night without lighting the way. Often they think in terms of objects when it is all about conscious beings.

Who are you ?

You are the offspring of many traditions that throughout time have been mutually enriched by each others’ contributions. The same applies to the races at the surface of the Earth. Your goal is to unite in the respect of these roots to accomplish a common project. The appearance of your cultures seems to keep you separated because you substitute it to your deeper being. Shape is now more important than the essence of your subtle nature. For the powers in place, this prevalence of the shape constitutes the ramparts against any form of jeopardy.

You are being called on to overcome shape while still respecting it for its richness and beauty. Understanding the conscience of shape makes us love men in their diversity. Peace does not mean not making war, it consists in becoming what you are in reality: a same Fraternity.

To understand this, the number of solutions within your reach are decreasing. One of them consists in contact with another race that would reflect the image of what you are in reality.

What is your situation ?

Except for rare occasions, our interventions always had very little incidence on your capacity to make collective and individual decisions about your own future. This is motivated by our knowledge of your deep psychological mechanisms.

We reached the conclusion that freedom is built every day as a being becomes aware of himself and of his environment, getting progressively rid of constraints and inertias, whatever they may be. Despite the numerous, brave and willing human consciences, those inertias are artificially maintained for the profit of a growing centralizing power.

Until recently, mankind lived a satisfying control of its decisions. But it is losing more and more the control of its own fate because of the growing use of advanced technologies, which lethal consequences on the earthly and human ecosystems become irreversible. You are slowly but surely losing your extraordinary capacity to make life desirable. Your resilience will artificially decrease, independently of your own will. Such technologies exist that affect your body as well as your mind. Such plans are on their way.

This can change as long as you keep this creative power in you, even if it cohabits with the dark intentions of your potential lords. This is the reason why we remain invisible. This individual power is doomed to vanish should a collective reaction of great magnitude not happen. The period to come is that of rupture, whichever it may be.

But should you wait for the last moment to find solutions ? Should you anticipate or undergo pain ?

Your history has never ceased to be marked by encounters between peoples who had to discover one another in conditions that were often conflicting. Conquests almost always happened to the detriment of others. Earth has now become a village where everyone knows everyone else but still conflicts persist and threats of all kinds get worse in duration and intensity.

Although a Human being as an individual, yet having many potential capacities, cannot exercise them with dignity. This is the case for the biggest majority of you for reasons that are essentially geopolitical.

There are several billion of you. The education of your children and your living conditions, as well as the conditions of numerous animals and much plant life are nevertheless under the thumb of a small number of your political, financial, military and religious representatives.

Your thoughts and beliefs are modeled after partisan interests to turn you into slaves while at the same time giving you the feeling that you are in total control of your destiny, which in essence is the reality.

But there is a long way between a wish and a fact when the true rules of the game at hand are unknown. This time, you are not the conqueror. Biasing information is a millenary strategy for human beings. Inducting thoughts, emotions or organisms that do not belong to you via ad hoc technologies is an even older a strategy.

Wonderful opportunities of progress stand close to big sub dual and destruction threats. These dangers and opportunities exist now. However, you can only perceive what is being shown to you. The end of natural resources is programmed whereas no long-term collective project has been launched.

Ecosystem exhaustion mechanisms have exceeded irreversible limits. The scarcity of resources and their unfair distribution – resources which entry price will rise day after day – will bring about fratricide fights at a large scale, but also at the very heart of your cities and countryside.

Hatred grows bigger but so does love. That is what keeps you confident in your ability to find solutions. But the critical mass is insufficient and a sabotage work is cleverly being carried out.

Human behaviors, formed from past habits and trainings, have such an inertia that this perspective leads you to a dead end. You entrust these problems to representatives, whose conscience of common well-being slowly fades away in front of corporatist interests, with those difficulties. They are always debating on the form but rarely on the content.

Just at the moment of action, delays will accumulate to the point when you have to submit rather than choose. This is the reason why, more than ever in your history, your decisions of today will directly and significantly impact your survival of tomorrow.

What event could radically modify this inertia that is typical of any civilization ? Where will a collective and unifying awareness come from, that will stop this blind rushing ahead ?

Tribes, populations and human nations have always encountered and interacted with one another. Faced with the threats weighing upon the human family, it is perhaps time that a greater interaction occurred.

A great roller wave is on the verge of emerging. It mixes very positive but also very negative aspects.

Who are the “third party” ?

There are two ways to establish a cosmic contact with another civilization: via its standing representatives or directly with individuals without distinction. The first way entails fights of interests, the second way brings awareness.

The first way was chosen by a group of races motivated by keeping mankind in slavery, thereby controlling Earth resources, the gene pool and human emotional energy.

The second way was chosen by a group of races allied with the cause of the Spirit of service. We have, at our end, subscribed to this disinterested cause and introduced ourselves a few years ago to representatives of the human power who refused our outstretched hand on the pretext of incompatible interests with their strategic vision.

That is why today individuals are to make this choice by themselves without any representative interfering. What we proposed in the past to those whom we believed were in a capacity to contribute to your happiness, we propose it now to … you!

Most of you ignore that non-human creatures took part in the exercise of those centralizing powers without them being neither suspected nor accessible to your senses. This is so true that they have almost very subtly taken control. They do not necessarily stand on your material plan, and that is precisely what could make them extremely efficient and frightening in the near future. However, be aware that a large number of your representatives are fighting this danger ! Be aware that not all abductions are made against you. It is difficult to recognize the truth !

How could you under such conditions exercise your free will when it is so much manipulated ? What are you really free of ?

Peace and reunification of your peoples would be a first step toward the harmony with civilizations other than yours.

That is precisely what those who manipulate you behind the scenes want to avoid at all cost because, by dividing, they reign! They also reign over those who govern you. Their strength comes from their capacity to distillate mistrust and fear into you. This considerably harms your very cosmic nature.

This message would be of no interest if these manipulators’ tutoring did not reach its peak and if their misleading and murderous plans did not materialize in a few years from now. Their deadlines are close and mankind will undergo unprecedented torments for the next ten cycles.

To defend yourselves against this aggression that bears no face, you need at least to have enough information that leads to the solution.

As is also the case with humans, resistance exists amongst those dominant races. Here again, appearance will not be enough to tell the dominator from the ally. At your current state of psychism, it is extremely difficult for you to distinguish between them. In addition to your intuition, training will be necessary when the time has come.

Being aware of the priceless value of free will, we are inviting you to an alternative.

What can we offer ?

We can offer you a more holistic vision of the universe and of life, constructive interactions, the experience of fair and fraternal relationships, liberating technical knowledge, eradication of suffering, controlled exercise of individual powers, the access to new forms of energy and, finally, a better comprehension of consciousness.

We cannot help you overcome your individual and collective fears, or bring you laws that you would not have chosen, work on your own selves, individual and collective effort to build the world you desire, the spirit of quest to new skies.

What would we receive ?

Should you decide that such a contact takes place, we would rejoice over the safeguarding of fraternal equilibrium in this region of the universe, fruitful diplomatic exchanges, and the intense Joy of knowing that you are united to accomplish what you are capable of. The feeling of Joy is strongly sought in the universe for its energy is divine.

What is the question we ask you ?


How to can you answer this question ?

The truth of soul can be read by telepathy. You only need to clearly ask yourself this question and give your answer as clearly, on your own or in a group, as you wish. Being in the heart of a city or in the middle of a desert does not impact the efficiency of your answer, YES or NO, IMMEDIATELY AFTER ASKING THE QUESTION! Just do it as if you were speaking to yourself but thinking about the message.

This is a universal question and these mere few words, put in their context, have a powerful meaning. You should not let hesitation in the way. This is why you should calmly think about it, in all conscience. In order to perfectly associate your answer with the question, it is recommended that you answer right after another reading of this message.

Do not rush to answer. Breathe and let all the power of your own free will penetrate you. Be proud of what you are ! The problems that you may have weaken you. Forget about them for a few minutes to be yourselves. Feel the force that springs up in you. You are in control of yourselves !

A single thought, a single answer can drastically change your near future, in one way as in another.

Your individual decision of asking in your inner self that we show up on your material plan and in broad daylight is precious and essential to us.

Even though you can choose the way that best suits you, rituals are essentially useless. A sincere request made with your heart and your own will will always be perceived by those of us whom it is sent to.

In your own private polling booth of your secret will, you will determine the future.

What is the lever effect ?

This decision should be made by the greatest number among you, even though it might seem like a minority. It is recommended to spread this message, in all envisageable fashions, in as many languages as possible, to those around you, whether or not they seem receptive to this new vision of the future.

Do it using in a humorous tone or derision if that can help you. You can even openly and publicly make fun of it if it makes you feel more comfortable but do not be indifferent for at least you will have exercised your free will.

Forget about the false prophets and the beliefs that have been transmitted to you about us. This request is one of the most intimate that can be asked to you.
Making a decision by yourself, as an individual, is your right as well as your responsibility !

Passivity only leads to the absence of freedom. Similarly, indecision is never efficient. If you really want to cling to your beliefs, which is something that we understand, then say NO. If you do not know what to choose, do not say YES because of mere curiosity. This is not a show, this is real daily life, WE ARE ALIVE ! And living !

Your history has plenty of episodes when determined men and women were able to influence the thread of events in spite of their small number.

Just like a small number is enough to take temporal power on Earth and influence the future of the majority, a small number of you can radically change your fate as an answer to the impotence in face of so much inertia and hurdles ! You can ease the mankind’s birth to Brotherhood.

One of your thinkers once said: “Give me a hand-hold and I’ll raise the Earth”.

Spreading this message will then be the hand-hold to strengthen, we will be the light-years long lever, you will be the craftsmen to … raise the Earth as a consequence of our appearance.

What would be the consequences of a positive decision?

For us, the immediate consequence of a collective favorable decision would be the materialization of many ships, in your sky and on Earth.

For you, the direct effect would be the rapid abandoning of many certitudes and beliefs.

A simple conclusive visual contact would have huge repercussions on your future. Much knowledge would be modified forever. The organization of your societies would be deeply upheaved forever, in all fields of activity. Power would become individual because you would see for yourself that we are living. Concretely, you would change the scale of your values !

The most important thing for us is that humankind would form a single family in front of this “unknown” we would represent!

Danger would slowly melt away from your homes because you would indirectly force the undesirable ones, those we name the “third party”, to show up and vanish. You would all bear the same name and share the same roots: Mankind!

Later on, peaceful and respectful exchanges would be thus possible if such is your wish. For now, he who is hungry cannot smile, he who is fearful cannot welcome us. We are sad to see men, women and children suffering to such a degree in their flesh and in their hearts when they bear such an inner light.

This light can be your future. Our relationships could be progressive.

Several stages of several years or decades would occur: demonstrative appearance of our ships, physical appearance beside human beings, collaboration in your technical and spiritual evolution, discovery of parts of the galaxy.

Every time, new choices would be offered to you. You would then decide by yourself to cross new stages if you think it necessary to your external and inner well-being. No interference would be decided upon unilaterally. We would leave as soon as you would collectively wish that we do.

Depending upon the speed to spread the message across the world, several weeks, or even several months will be necessary before our “great appearance”, if such is the decision made by the majority of those who will have used their capacity to choose, and if this message receives the necessary support.

The main difference between your daily prayers to entities of a strictly spiritual nature and your current decision is extremely simple : We are technically equipped to materialize!

Why such a historical dilemma ?

We know that “foreigners” are considered as enemies as long as they embody the “unknown”. In a first stage the emotion that our appearance will generate will strengthen your relationships on a worldwide scale.

How could you know whether our arrival is the consequence of your collective choice?

For the simple reason that we would have otherwise been already there for a long time at your level of existence ! If we are not there yet, it is because you have not made such a decision explicitly.

Some among you might think that we would make you believe in a deliberate choice of yours so as to legitimate our arrival, though this would not be true. What interest would we have to openly offer you what you haven’t got any access to yet, for the benefit of the greatest number of you?

How could you be certain that this is not yet another subtle maneuver of the “third party” to better enslave you ? Because one always more efficiently fights something that is identified than the contrary. Isn’t the terrorism that corrodes you a blatant example?

Whatever, you are the sole judge in your own heart and soul ! Whatever your choice, it would be respectable and respected ! In the absence of human representatives who could potentially seduce into error you ignore everything about us as well as from about those who manipulate you without your consent.

In your situation, the precautionary principle that consists in not trying to discover us does no longer prevail. You are already in the Pandora’s box that the “third party” has created around you. Whatever your decision may be you will have to get out of it.

In the face of such a dilemma, one ignorance against another, you need to ask your intuition. Do you want to see us with your own eyes, or simply believe what your thinkers say ? That is the real question!

After thousands of years, one day, this choice was going to be inevitable: choosing between two unknowns.

Why spread such a message among yourselves ?

Translate and spread this message widely. This action will affect your future in an irreversible and historical way at the scale of millennia, otherwise, it will postpone a new opportunity to choose to several years later, at least one generation, if it can survive.

Not choosing, stands for undergoing other people’s choice. Not informing others stands for running the risk of obtaining a result that is contrary to one’s expectations. Remaining indifferent means giving up one’s free will.

It is all about your future. It is all about your evolution.

It is possible that this invitation does not receive your collective assent and that, because of a lack of information, it will be disregarded. Nevertheless no individual desire goes unheeded in the universe.

Imagine our arrival tomorrow. Thousands of ships. A unique cultural shock in today’s mankind’s history. It will then be too late to regret about not making a choice and spreading the message because this discovery will be irreversible. We do insist that you do not rush into it, but do think about it ! And decide !

The big medias will not be necessarily interested in spreading this message. It is therefore your task, as an anonymous yet an extraordinary thinking and loving being, to transmit it.

You are still the architects of your own fate…

Created and distributed by Members of the Prepare4contact Forum, December 19, 2003.

You are invited to participate in a global experiment to manifest First Contact with benevolent extraterrestrial races. The experiment is in response to a request by extraterrestrials to give a `soul based’ response to the question, “Do You Wish That We Show Up?” .

The global First Contact experiment is based on the concept of the ‘Isaiah Effect’ popularized by the author Gregg Braden. The key idea in the ‘Isaiah Effect’ is that by visualizing a desired event and fully immersing oneself in positive emotions of the event as though it had occurred, a powerful energetic impulse is created that helps manifest the desired event in the concrete physical realm. The emotions of celebration, joy, love and gratitude thus act as powerful engines for ‘thought creation’.

Due to over 50 years of secrecy over the extraterrestrial presence, and the tremendous damage done to human societies and the biosphere by the suppression of extraterrestrial technologies, creation of ‘black budgets’, and intimidation/silencing of officials/witnesses revealing the truth, there is an urgent need to end all secrecy over the extraterrestrial presence. Consequently, a world wide First Contact event where extraterrestrials ‘show up’ is needed to bring openness, transparency, truth and democratic decision-making to the way the extraterrestrial presence is officially managed. The actual details of the Global First Contact Experiment are as follows:

Visualization: Imagine luminous extraterrestrial ships suspended high over every city of the planet for a period of seven days and nights. The ships perform light displays that indicate universal greetings of peace, joy and fraternity. Ships play natural sounds such as whale songs indicating universal acknowledgement for cetaceans as an intelligent life form that has long communicated with extraterrestrial races. The visualization should be done in a way that elicits positive emotions such as joy, love and celebration. The visualization can be modified in ways that best inspire individuals to celebrate First Contact as a new era for humanity. The visualization will be performed at 10 pm in every time zone thereby creating an energetic wave of consciousness that sweeps around the planet. The length of the visualization should be between 5-10 minutes.
Date & Time: Sunday, December 21, at 10 pm (local time).

Results of the Experiment: You are invited to post any comments regarding personal experience on the Yahoo forum prepare4contact or you can simply email your comments to: .

(Waiting in Line for Liftoff
Channeled by Jean Ederman. Original in French, translation to English by unknown translator. Original title: “Changez Le Monde Par Effet de Levier!, Decidez Si Nous Devons Apparaître!”
The author encourages the spreading of this message with these words: “You are free to publish, reproduce and copy this message as you like!, on the contrary, you are invited to do it… but don’t modify or cut the message, please.”
First time published on September 11, 2003 at: First published on this Website on October 19, 2003.)

Honeycomb Carbon Crystals Possibly Detected in Space! (Images of Metatron’s Cube!) From NASA! LINKS BELOW!

Posted in 11:11, 2012, Affirmations, Healing, hope, Kali Yuga, Metatron, Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , on August 24, 2011 by prodigychild1111

Metatron Cube Carbon 7


Metatron’s Cube:

NASA’s Spitzer Space Telescope has spotted the signature of flat carbon flakes, called graphene, in space. If confirmed, this would be the first-ever cosmic detection of the material — which is arranged like chicken wire in flat sheets that are one atom thick.

Graphene was first synthesized in a lab in 2004, and subsequent research on its unique properties garnered the Nobel Prize in 2010. It’s as strong as it is thin, and conducts electricity as well as copper. Some think it’s the “material of the future,” with applications in computers, screens on electrical devices, solar panels and more.

Graphene in space isn’t going to result in any super-fast computers, but researchers are interested in learning more about how it is created. Understanding chemical reactions involving carbon in space may hold clues to how our own carbon-based selves and other life on Earth developed.

Spitzer identified signs of the graphene in two small galaxies outside of our own, called the Magellanic Clouds, specifically in the material shed by dying stars, called planetary nebulae. The infrared-sensing telescope also spotted a related molecule, called C70, in the same region – marking the first detection of this chemical outside our galaxy.

C70 and graphene belong to the fullerene family, which includes molecules called “buckyballs,” or C60. These carbon spheres contain 60 carbon atoms arranged like a soccer ball, and were named after their resemblance to the architectural domes of Buckminister Fuller. C70 molecules contain 70 carbon atoms and are longer in shape, more like a rugby ball.

Fullerenes have been found in meteorites carrying extraterrestrial gases, and water has been very recently encapsulated in buckyballs by using new laboratory techniques. These findings suggest fullerenes may have helped transport materials from space to Earth long ago, possibly helping to kick-start life.

Spitzer definitively detected both buckyballs and C70 in space for the first time in July 2010 (see It later spotted buckyballs — equivalent in mass to 15 full moons — in the Small Magellanic Cloud. These latter results demonstrated that, contrary to what was previously believed, fullerenes and other complex molecules could form in hydrogen-rich environments (see

According to astronomers, the graphene, buckyballs and C70 might be forming when shock waves generated by dying stars break apart hydrogen-containing carbon grains.

The team that performed the Spitzer research is led by Domingo Aníbal García-Hernández of the Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias in Spain. The results appear in the Astrophyscial Journal Letters. García-Hernández is also the lead author of the study that used Spitzer to detect heaps of buckyballs in the Small Magellanic Cloud.

Read the news release from the National Optical Astronomy Observatory in Tucson at .

NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, Calif., manages the Spitzer Space Telescope mission for NASA’s Science Mission Directorate, Washington. Science operations are conducted at the Spitzer Science Center at the California Institute of Technology in Pasadena. Caltech manages JPL for NASA. For more information about Spitzer, visit and .

Media Contact:
Whitney Clavin 818-354-4673
Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, Calif.

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